Suicide Prevention Resources
Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for young people and the 8th leading cause of death overall for NH residents. Exeter Hospital is committed to reducing the stigma of suicide and mental illness, and raising awareness about the resources and information available. Exeter Hospital Board of Trustees approved a five-year initiative to impact the underlying causes of youth suicide. If you would like to get involved in the conversation, email Jenn McGowan at
Fact Sheet - Suicide Prevention Initiative
Exeter Hospital and granite youth Alliance created this PSA "Don't get Trapped"" to help direct people to suicide prevention resources. Click here to listen.
Crisis Numbers
Call, text or chat 988, to be connected to trained counselors who are part of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline network. The original phone number, 1-800-273-TALK (8255) is also still active.
Crisis Text Line: In crisis? Text HELLO to 741741
Click here for more information.
RAPS (Regional Access Point Services / Granite Pathways)
1-800-711-HELP (4357)
NH Statewide Addiction Crisis Line - Client-Centered Care Coordination For Substance Use Disorders
Click here for more information.

Seacoast Mental Health Center
(603) 431-6703 *Emergency Services are available 24/7*
Seacoast Mental Health Center provides comprehensive mental health services to children, adolescents, adults and their families. Depending on the clinical diagnosis, severity of impairment and age of the client, available services range from 24 hour emergency services to individual and group therapy, couple-s and family therapy, substance use disorder treatment, psychiatric services, psychological and neurological assessment and testing, to home and community-based services, residential care, case management and employment support services.
Risk Factors and Warning Signs:
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Youth Suicide Warning Signs
Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide
Substance Use - Disorders Portfolio
NH Suicide Prevention Council - Prevention Plan
NH Suicide Prevention Resource Center:
Suicide Prevention Resource Center / NH
Suicide Awareness Voice of Education
To Write Love On Her Arms
Speaking of Suicide
Know the Signs
Campaign to Change Direction:
The Campaign to Change Direction / NH
Video: Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide - "Not My Kid"
Chris Cornell: When Suicide Doesn't Make Sense
Video: Teen Suicide Prevention
News Releases:
Community Panel Discusses 13 Reasons Why, Teen Suicide Prevention
Training Options
Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour course that teaches you how to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. The training helps you identify, understand and respond to signs of addictions and mental illnesses.
Exeter Hospital Grants
Last year the Exeter Hospital Board of Trustees approved a five year initiative to impact the underlying causes of youth suicide. In October 2016, Exeter Hospital launched a four-year, $200,000 annual grant cycle. Grants will be awarded in February 2017 to organizations that address the root causes of youth suicide, including substance misuse, teen depression, social isolation, abuse, bullying, lack of awareness, and the communication and engagement barriers associated with the stigma of each of those issues within Rockingham County. To learn more about Exeter Hospital Grants & Sponsorships
click here.
2016 Suicide Prevention Grant Allocations
Connor’s Climb: $25,000 matching grant
New Heights: $20,000 for STEM activities for 200 area teens
NAMI NH: $4,500 peer-to-peer suicide prevention training at Exeter High School
Seacoast Mental Health Center: $7,500 Conference & Event Sponsorship
Willow’s Run: $2,000 sponsorship in support of Seacoast Pathways
AFSP Out of the Darkness 5k Walk/Run: $1,000 sponsorship