Program Reviews

Below are examples of participant comments from Your Weigh to Wellness  program evaluation forms: 

  • “A lot of knowledge in a concise format. I lost 20 pounds!”
  • “Lost 6 pounds so far!”
  • “I’ve lost almost 10 pounds!”
  • “I learned an incredible amount. Loved the handouts.”
  • “Lost between 6 and 7 pounds.”
  • “I am better educated on how easy it is to lose weight when you focus on healthy eating.”
  • “I established an action plan to walk. I now walk 1 to 2 miles everyday and I want to increase my endurance.”
  • “I look at food differently now when it is on my plate. I was encouraged by learning new nutrition information.”
  • “Helpful tips.  Made it easier to organize meals and helped me look at food differently.”
  • “I lost 5 pounds. The program helped me focus on healthy lifestyle changes.”

When participants were asked if they would highly recommend this program to others, an unprecedented 100% answered “YES.”